
Selling Expenses on JUMIA

Displaying your products on the JUMIA website is completely free without any costs, but there are some costs and fees associated with receiving and executing orders. On this page, we will know the details of all the fees and expenses when selling on JUMIA.

JUMIA Selling Fee Structure

Selling fees on JUMIA differ depending on the product category, and the shipping method you use to deliver orders.

Your goods stored at JUMIA warehouse “JUMIA EXPRESS”


It will be paid once the order is successfully delivered to the customer according to the product category

Order Processing fees

The value of the processing fees for orders is calculated based on the size of the product


Storage fees are applied to the products that are stored at the warehouse (JUMIA Express) according to the size of the product, and storage duration.

Your goods at your warehouse


It will be paid once the order is successfully delivered to the customer according to the product category

Order Processing fees

The value of the processing fees for orders is calculated based on the size of the product

Commissions and Fees
First the Commission: How is it applied?
  • JUMIA only deducts the commission when the order has successfully been delivered to the customer. They will reflect on the weekly account statement.
  • Commissions are mandatory for each order and will be paid once the order is successfully delivered to the customer.
  • If you are selling (X) product at 1000 LE on JUMIA,  and our commission % for (X) category is 5%, you will be charged a total commission of 50 LE.
  • Please note that all JUMIA sellers will pay for the commission value displayed in this page. You will receive a statement, which enables you to apply it to the price in case of reviewing commission rules.
  • The minimum commission rate is 10 EGP if Your goods are stored at your warehouse.
How to know which commission you are supposed to present?
Second: Preparation fees How is it applied?

Order preparation fees will be applied to the final delivery of your orders and no fees will be applied to order that failed to deliver

Find out in the following table the value of the “order processing fee” according to the size of each product, whether the products are stored in your warehouse or in the JUMIA Express warehouse.

  • These amounts are in EGP
  • All fees include 14% VAT.
  • Extra larger products (with an order processing fee of 110/140 EGP) include the category of large electrical appliances such as the refrigerator and washing machine and do not include the home furniture category.
  • a 15 EGP fee will be added to each order in the case of using the (Pick-up) service (receiving the product from the seller’s warehouse)

Your warehouse

Category Order preparation fees (Based on product).
Fashion 8 LE
Small size products 15 LE
Medium size products 25 LE
Large products 60 LE
Extra Large products (Such as refrigerators and washing machines) 140 LE

If the order contains two products from the fashion category available at your warehouse, preparation fees will be 8 LE for each item

JUMIA Express Warehouse

Category Order preparation fees (Based on product).
Products less than 50 LE 2 LE
Fashion 8 LE
Small size products 10 LE
Medium size products 20 LE
Large products 50 LE
Extra Large products (Such as refrigerators and washing machines) 110 LE

If the order contains two products with prices for each less than 50 LE available at the JUMIA Express Warehouse, preparation fees will be 2 LE for each item

Third: Storage fees (Only applies to JUMIA Express)

Storage fees applied to the product stored in the JUMIA Express warehouse depending on product size and storage period as shown in the table below

(Daily fees per item is in Egyptian Piaster, knowing that storage for the first 15 days is free of charge)

Number of storage days Fashion Products Small size product Medium sized product Large size product
More than 360

Seller has stored 100 units and sold 60 of them within 2 months at the rate of one unit per day
We will now calculate the fees according to two different storage period tranches
First example of period range from 16 to 30 days storage
At the 16th day, remaining stock is 84 units 
fees rate for small products = 1.667 PTS per day per unit
 Total fees at the 16th day = Stock (84)*1.667 = 140 PTS
Second example of period range from 31 to 60 days storage
At the 31st day, remaining stock is 69 units 
fees rate for small products = 3.3 PTS per day per unit
 Total fees at the 31st day = Stock (69)*3.3 = 230 PTS

  • If the price of a fashion product in your warehouse is 100 EGP, the fees will be (17.1 LE commission +8 EGP preparation fees)

  • If the price of a fashion product in the JUMIA Express Warehouse is 100 EGP, the fees will be (17.1 LE commission + 8EGP preparation fees + storage fees depending on the storage period)

  • If the price of a computer accessory in your warehouse is 50 EGP, the commission will be 11.4 EGP because the minimum commission rate is 10 EGP if the product is stored at your warehouse.

  • You must consider the minimum commission in the case your goods are stored in your warehouse, and that the first two weeks in the JUMIA Express store are free of charge.
It is also important to know
Tips to increase your sales with us

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