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Paid advertising service

The biggest goal for anyone interested in their trade is to reach the largest number of customers and achieve the largest percentage of sales of their products. And because one of the most important goals of Jumia is that it helps all its selling partners to reach this goal, it now offers you a distinguished service “paid advertising”, which ensures that you reach the largest possible number of customers who are interested in your products, and thus will contribute a very large role in increasing your sales significantly. The “paid advertising” service helps your products appear on the front pages with the appearance of a “distinguished product” or “Sponsored Ad” icon on your product, so that your products appear as soon as the customer searches for a specific product or category, and thus a greater number of customers will reach your products faster and know their details and thus buy them

Take advantage of the extra credit for paid advertising in Jumia's birthday campaign

Jumia celebrates its birthday with you and offers you 15% extra credit when you spend 8000 EGP or more.

How is the additional balance calculated?

Your balance consumption is reviewed on a weekly basis by us, and when you consume 8000 pounds or more, we add the balance. Example: In the first week, you consumed 10,000 pounds. We will add 15% more than 10,000 to your account. In the second week, I consumed 5,000. We will not add the excess. And in the third week I consumed 4,000. The total bill during the two weeks is 9,000 and a 15% increase will be calculated to your account.

The spent balance is calculated starting on May 21st and ending on June 25th

Advertising Plan Professional

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